How Long Does A Hot Air Balloon Ride?

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Flying is one of the oldest human dreams; a variety of ways have been created for this to happen: a plane, a helicopter, a dragon (a device, not a mythical being), and a balloon.

If you like flying and do not fear height, you may be interested in a balloon ride.

Flying in a balloon is an unforgettable experience.

First of all, this aircraft moves most often at a speed of ten, to fifteen kilometers per hour, so the man has the feeling of floating.

Secondly, since the panoramic sight is more beautiful at lower altitudes, it usually does not rise above 1,000 meters.

Such images from the ground cannot be noticed, nor recorded as out of the air.

A balloon can also be rented for various special occasions such as balloon weddings (there are people who would like to marry in a balloon), celebrations anniversaries, the celebration of birthdays, bouncing parachutists from balloons, shooting sports, etc.

It is possible to give someone a gift flight with a balloon.

Those who have tried, say that flying a balloon is an extremely fun experience, the only thing that bothers a bit is the heat released by the two burners and the feeling of rotating the basket.

Also, some people say that the balloon engine is noisy for them.

For scared: the balloon is an extremely safe craft. Pilots of the balloons know their work and are constantly in touch with both flight control and the “ground team.”

Even if the engine were completely canceled, the balloon would only lightly land on the ground.

Events both in the air and on earth

Statistically, the balloon is one of the safest aircraft. It is flying on the principle of warm air, and it’s so simple that there’s practically nothing to ruin it.

Even if the wind is getting stronger, there is no reason to fear.

The balloon dome behaves like a parachute, and passengers in the balloon will lightly and safely lower to the ground.

An additional element is the weather. Only fly in stable weather, no precipitation, and no wind.

The temperature should not be too high, it is most suitable for up to 25 degrees C.

And when it’s the most beautiful day, it’s flying only early in the morning and in the evening, and in the air, there can be an hour, not more than two.

About the hot air balloon

A balloon that runs on warm air is a type of aircraft that consists of a canvas containing warm air and baskets below. A balloon usually carries passengers in the basket and the source of heat that drives it.

The source of heat is usually a flame resulting from the combustion of liquid propane.

The warm air inside the balloon, allows the air to have a lower density than the outside cold air. Unlike other planes, these balloons cannot fly outside the atmosphere.

Unlike gas balloons, the heat source does not have to be at the bottom of the aircraft, because the warm air is always at the same pressure independent of the position of the aircraft where it is located.

Modern balloons are made of various shapes, such as the form of a rocket or various commercial products that are promoted. They are usually made of special fire-resistant materials.

How long can you ride in the balloon?

There are different variants of free flight, as well as bound flight. The standard version of the free flight lasts 60 to 90 minutes and takes place at a height of one thousand meters.

Although, depending on weather conditions, it is possible to obtain flight control clearance for a flight at a height of up to two thousand meters.

There is also a so-called balloon day – this includes a flight from a tourist destination, a tour of the destination, transportation, and lunch.

If one day is not enough, you can also define the “balloon weekend,” which includes a flight balloon to some destination, staying there one day, and a combination of balloon and tourist sightseeing.

It’s not a bad idea for a weekend with your dear, is it?

What do you wear on a balloon ride?

Wider trousers that enable easy mobility when climbing and exiting the basket.

Boots or a little deeper footwear are desirable because it is not known where it will land unless it is a balloon that only raises and descends in place.

Otherwise, the field where you land may be a field or deep grass, and therefore it should be properly dressed.

In addition, it is desirable that the clothes be stratified depending on the weather, especially in the winter.

It is very likely that in winter periods, and sometimes even at higher altitudes, it will be much colder than at the ground, and there may also be a stronger wind.

In the summer months, sunscreen is mandatory. When you get to know the pilot and the crew that will accompany you during the flight, they start at the point of departure.

Sometimes the location of the departure may vary depending on the direction and the strength of the wind.

It is very important to arrive in time to enjoy the full duration of the journey and out of respect to the other travelers (if not a private ride) so that they should not have to wait for you.

A hat that will protect you from the sun is a must. In addition, people with long hair should tie their hair in place, thus improving the experience of the other passengers to enjoy the view.

What can you expect from driving a balloon?

If the weather conditions permit a ride, the pilot will start preparing for the take-off.

The basket and parachute are initially laid out, so the wind helps inflate balloons.

In the meantime, all parts of the balloon are connected in order to secure a safe flight.

When the balloon is ready to inflate, the high power of the heated air is pumped until the ready-to-fly condition is reached.

At this point, it is necessary that one or two persons hold the balloon in order to be more stable.

Ultimately, the most important is the safety of all passengers in the balloon, and because of this, the movement of the term may occur due to bad weather conditions.

If the pilot needs more time to evaluate the weather conditions, it may be that the trip is a little late.

The balloon usually stays up to 5 people, sometimes more, depending on the size of the balloon itself and prices per person vary depending on the number of people and flight time.

Regardless of which occasion, driving a balloon is an unforgettable experience.

Interesting facts

  • The balloon consists of a basket and a dome of exclusive polyester, birch, a special gas bottle, and a fan. A flat surface the size of a handball court is required for the take-off.
  • Hot air balloon types are not used for the earth’s edge, but for precision flying competitions. It determines some goals to reach, using direction, direction, and wind speed.
  • Ballooning is the oldest branch of aviation. The first flight was recorded in the first-century b.c. In China. In Europe, the development of a balloon dated from the 18th century.
  • The balloon can be rented for various special occasions: weddings, celebrations anniversaries and birthdays, parachute jumping, and shooting sports.


In this article, we’ve explained some basic ballooning principles, some rules that must be respected in terms of safety, and how much you can fly with a balloon to enjoy the panorama of the places you visit.

Remember, it is up to you how much you will enjoy it and leave the rest to the professionals.

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